Losing pounds

Losing pounds
Cheers to a new beginning!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Flu... And weight loss

Drum roll, please..... 9.8 pounds lost this week! As ecstatic as I am about this loss, I'm still more upset about this silly flu that I received. I've been pretty much dead to the world since I got out of work Wednesday night. I'm just now starting to feel a tiny bit normal. Anyways, last weeks work towards weight loss led me to try new recipes and different habits. For example, usually about once a week my hubby and I need to do what I fondly call the kid swap. I have to go straight from my job to his job in about a half an hour. I barely make it each time and am usually munching on something not so good for me along the way. Well last week, I made a change. I choose an apple. Yup, instead of a fatty crunchy snack, I chose a crunchy healthy snack! I also had more active moments during the week, well that is until this flu hit me. So, since I'm still not feeling a hundred percent here, I'll leave it at this and just be super happy with this 9.8 pounds gone. Hopeing for another good week this week.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weight Watchers, help me please!

I'm the fattest I've ever been in my life, including when I was 9 months pregnant. This fact makes me want to cry daily. Instead, it's making me focus, I CAN do this! I CAN get healthy. If not for me, for my two precious awesome boys. They don't need a fat mom, they need a healthy mom, one who plays WITH them, not watches them play. One who's not afraid to go on a bounce house, or a swing. One who can take them hiking (a hobby I loved as a child, myself). Just a mom who is there, not in the background.
So here starts my journey. I've been on Weight Watchers on and off for the last 12 years or so, this WILL be my last time. My weight this time starts at 247 pounds. Yup, I just posted what my weight is. I'm 31 years old, and want to turn myself to 31 years young. And at 247 pounds (yup, there it is again) it won't happen.

My weigh ins are on Thursdays, so every week, I'll post my loss (or gain, but hopefully no gain) Also, there Will be pics, just not yet. I'm not ready for the world to see me as I am (it's bad enough people see me everyday) But when the weight starts to come off, I'll need to show the progress..