Losing pounds

Losing pounds
Cheers to a new beginning!

Friday, September 21, 2012

I'm back! (I hope!)

Ok, so I fail miserably at this whole blogging thing, but there can only be improvement, right? The good news is I haven't been failing at Weight Watchers this time around.. I'm down 32 pounds so far. Still have at least another 68 to go, possibly more. I'll decide the total number as I get closer to goal.
Not too much has gone on around here, I work a bit more than I did when I started, and I think that's been messing with my routine. I'm getting back on track though and hope to lose this week.
I also picked up Weight Watchers newest gadget, the Active Link. It's a little USB thing that you clip to your shirt, or belt, ect. You can even wear it as a necklace. I tend to wear mine on a tank or my bra, works best for me this way. You wear it during all your waking hours and it keeps track of ALL your activity. After the first 8 days, you get a goal. It's a goal to earn so many activity points a day, and it varies by person and their activity level. One of the main reasons I got this is because I'm always curious on how active I really am at work. I stock freight overnight. That means pulling pallets, and rocket carts, heavy lifting and lots of walking. Also what I affectionately call my "step/squats" which for the last hour of my shift I zone (or face, depending on the term your used to) the shelves in the grocery section at Walmart. I need a step stool to reach the top of the shelves, so every 4 feet, I step on the stool, step back down, get down to a squat, then step back onto the stool.. I only stay in each 4 foot section for a couple minutes, so it's a lot of stepping and squatting..

So back on track. I just finished my assessment and had added no extra exercise this week, and in 4 days I earned 37 PPV!!!! That's more than what I can eat in a day, and I can choose to eat these points or not, I'll probably use them as back up, but I won't aim to eat them all.

The real question is, why am I not skinny already? My chart shows me as a super active person (although I won't lie, my days off, I barely reach minimal activity, which I need to work on). They say I average 4-6 PP a day and in 12 weeks my goal will be 8 PP per day. The main thing I need to do is work on my days off, get those up to the 8PP, which will be a very long process I think. Today I'll start off by walking to pick my son up from school, if it doesn't rain, so lets hope the rain holds off for at least 2 more hours.

Linky link to the Active link incase anyone is curious about it.